We are pleased to announce that after working through some challenges and technical difficulties, we are finally set up to host our Fire Commissioner meetings via an ONLINE platform.
Please join us this Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 6pm for a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners.
This meeting will be held via ZOOM.
You do not need to have internet access to join us! You can call in from a phone or join via your computer audio. For access instructions, please contact District Secretary, Christine Johnson at cjohnson@mcfd16.com or (360) 426-7343 before 4:00 PM on April 21, 2020.
Our commissioner meetings are posted on our website and can be found in two locations: at the bottom of the home page, and on the Commissioners page https://www.westmasonfire.org/fire-commissioners. If you register for the meetings through the events posted on our website, you will receive email updates if there are any schedule changes or cancellations, as well as a reminder email the day prior to the meeting.
As always, we value your feedback and interest in your fire district. Please feel free to reach out to us with comments, concerns, ideas, and of course compliments when you have them!
Thank you again for your patience as we are adjusting to the social distancing requirements.
Stay home, limit travel, save lives!